In a world filled with remarkable stories, there are some that touch the heart and inspire us to act. Last year, three members of the Elevate team embarked on a life-changing journey to Kenya, Africa. During their visit, they had the privilege of meeting a small, impactful tribe whose resilience and determination left an indelible mark on their hearts.
Today, we bring you heartwarming news born from that journey, showcasing how Elevates collective kindness, together with our clients' generous support last holiday season, has made a significant difference in the lives of this Kenyan tribe.
Despite the ongoing challenges they face posed by the relentless drought and the loss of cattle, your generosity has ensured that tribe elder Daniel and his wife Risper’s three children can continue their education and thrive in the face of adversity. Your contributions have not only provided education but also nurtured hope and growth.
We are profoundly grateful for your support, as it has truly made a difference in the lives of these young learners. Your generosity embodies the spirit of Elevate, and we are proud to have such a compassionate and caring community.
If you'd like to continue making a positive impact and help send these children to school for another year, please reach out to Colin Murray at or visit to learn more about how you can get involved.
Together, we can create a brighter future for those in need. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey of giving back.
